Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Scrap Exchange

My sweet boys agreed to take me to The Scrap Exchange's Warehouse Fabric Sale this morning!  The Scrap Exchange is a creative reuse center.  They collect industrial discards and make them available for purchase to any creative person interested in reusing them.  It's the ultimate "one man's trash is another man's treasure" experience and I love it!
There are tons of bins of fabric to dig through and all kinds of other treasures, although some are so special they are unnameable! 
Here are the beautiful scraps that filled my bag; and all for $3 I might add!

I was so inspired that I went to work immediately this afternoon on a special something for my little boy's first birthday.  But I'm not telling what it is just yet, you'll have to check back soon!


  1. I didn't know you were a fellow blogger!
    Love your blog ... I'm adding you to my favorites!

    W-h-wh-where is the Scrap Exchange?!?!
    I've GOT to go!

  2. It's in Durham right across the street from the Durham farmers market. There is a link in the blog post to their website. It's SO fun!!

  3. I love the scrap exchange! I bought a ton of stuff for doing "school" with Sam. They have the most random stuf there...

  4. Thanks for posting about The Scrap Exchange. Did you hear about this?
    Scrap Exchange Board President

    5th Annual Charity Game Night for The Scrap Exchange
    Mission - Promote creativity, environmental awareness and community through creative reuse of industrial discards.

    Date: Saturday, November 8
    Time: 7pm-10pm
    Location: The Scrap Exchange Store, 548 Foster Street, Durham, NC

    -No-limit Texas Hold-em is the game of choice.
    -Beginner and veteran poker players welcome.
    -For every $20 donated to The Scrap Exchange, players will receive $200 in poker chips and a tax deductible receipt.
    -No need to pre-register but reserve your space by emailing Kelley at
    -The player at each table with the most chips at the break and end of the night will receive a prize.
    -Drinks and snacks provided.

    Current prizes include gift certificates from: Carolina Rollergirls, Barnes & Noble, JJill, Drag Bingo, Phydeaux Dog Supplies, Frankie's, Consolidated Theaters, Habitat for Humanity Restore, Galaxy Theater, Red Lobster, Nice Price Books, Sarla licensed massage therapist and more added daily.

    Can't attend - Make a donation here -


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I'm always so inspired by reading what you have to say! If you have a question, leave it here or feel free to email me!

-Sarah from Create Studio