Saturday, October 25, 2008


We're getting geared up for the big election day over at our house!  Every four years we have a big election night party and we stay up late watching the polls close with our friends and family. My 11 month old won't be staying up late with us, but he will have a snazzy new shirt to wear with his mommy when we go to vote together.  
I got the idea for this shirt from a website that wanted $20 plus shipping and I wasn't ready for that, so this one was $6 from Target (with the pocket removed) and $3 for the iron-on letters.  I think it's just "right," don't you!


  1. Oh I might just have to steal that idea. HOW CUTE. Love it!

  2. Just stumbled upon your blog while searching for paci clip tutorials... I LOVE this t-shirt... I'm going to keep these in mind for my daughters when we start gearing up for 2012!


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-Sarah from Create Studio