Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A New Year, A New System

Recently I realized what a hazard it is to fumble through coupons at the grocery store.  For one, all of that searching leaves you very vulnerable for giving up and buying your item without that pesky little coupon you can't find.  For two, (Can you say "for two"?) babies get restless restrained in those carts and can very easily wiggle loose.  But that's another story!
Something needed to be done, so I have a new system now.  I have a notebook with dividers categorized by the items we shop for the most and filled with baseball card plastic holders for the coupons.  Now all I need to do is stick my handy dandy notebook in the bottom basket under the baby in the cart, flip to the section for the aisle I'm on and it's hands free shopping with coupons securely in view!  
Maybe you're thinking what I'm thinking.  Carrying a notebook, keys and a baby (plus a toy) into the grocery store sounds like a lot of luggage.  I agree, that's why I've planned to make a fabric cover for the notebook with handles and a pocket that will hold my keys and a toy for Owen.  Then I'll be set.  What's your new system for the new year?


  1. Everyone has there coupon system, but I'm thinking I need a new one. :-) Might have to try the notebook method. Happy Couponing!

  2. I like the idea of using a baseball card sleeve for coupons! Nice repurpose! I'm always looking for a better place to store my coupons.


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-Sarah from Create Studio