Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Love Week!

It's almost Valentine's Day!  I have to tell you how much I love this holiday!  I know it may be a grand scheme to make money for Hallmark and Hershey's, but when is that ever a bad thing?! 
Each day of the week I try to come up with a fun way to love on my husband.  Lots of times that involves food!  Last year I made him heart shaped pancakes (I made regular pancakes then cut them with a cookie cutter) and this year I decorated Toaster Strudels on Monday.

Tuesday's surprise: 
Hanging candy hearts!  Yum!  
These were a lot of fun to make and super easy.  You can find a tutorial here.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I'm always so inspired by reading what you have to say! If you have a question, leave it here or feel free to email me!

-Sarah from Create Studio