Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blog of the Week: Dollar Store Crafts

There are some sites out there that just make you giddy!  This is one of them!  I can't wait for you to check out Dollar Store Crafts and see what I mean.  Heather has collected a treasure trove of amazingly creative ideas for things that can be made using finds from the Dollar Store!  To wet your appetite just a little, I've featured a couple of the ideas from the "$1 and free" section.  Yep, for just one dollar or less you can...

And for my most favorite idea:  A Lightbulb Vase!  Genius!
Click on over to Dollar Store Crafts and see if you fall as quickly in love as I have!  


  1. I love that blog! She finds so many amazing projects perfect for today's budget!

  2. Thank you so much for that super-nice writeup! I really appreciate it! So nice to get to know you a little better! :)


  3. you have a great blog. I will start following along! thanks for the inspiration.

  4. I love the lightbulb vase too!
    It looks so elegant!


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-Sarah from Create Studio