Monday, April 20, 2009

Seating and Eating

I just discovered a sister team of bloggers who came up with a super smart way of making meal planning easier, and I'm all for that!!  I'm so excited about it that I had to share it with you.  

Here is Kathryn's description of the project:
To make it easier, they have broken down the project in to 2 steps:
Step 1: Compile 30 meals that your family loves. (This may take some trial and error!)
Step 2: Make individual notecards out of each meal, laminate, hole punch and put on a binder ring.  (The way they made these notecards is genius!)
When it's time to do your meal shopping all you have to do is pick out your week's meals, pull those recipes off of the binder clip and stick them on the fridge in this adorable little holder they made up!  Oh I can't wait to make one!  
I also can't wait for these dining room chairs to be done... ugh!  I've been working on them forever and they are almost finished.  Here's the before picture.  I figure if I post a before pic it will be good accountability to complete this project!


  1. I have done 30 meal cooking or maybe it was 30 day cooking...but it's so nice to have all those meals in the freezer:)
    sandy toe

  2. What a great plan! I was thinking the other day that I should make a list of my family's meal favorites. I normally plan my menu around the specials of the week though. I just started planning meals better and it makes a huge difference!

  3. Great idea. I love the cute recipe card. Thanks for sharing.


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-Sarah from Create Studio