Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thank you!

A HUGE thank you to Kim over at Today's Creative Blog who has written up one of the nicest descriptions of my blog I have ever read!  It is such an honor to be included among the other creative women she features on one of my most favorite blogs.  

As I say over there on the left, I am not talented on my own. I was created in the image of a creative God and He has graciously given me every ounce of inspiration.  My blog is a resource to bring Him glory.  And I really hope this blog is doing just that!  

If you would like to read Kim's feature, click here.  Thanks again Kim!


  1. I just found your blog from TCB. I love it...I can't wait to explore it further. Congrats on being featured!! :-)

  2. Found your blog on TCB ... wonderful ideas! Can't wait to have time to read through all your archives.

  3. congratulations on your feature! I LOVE your ideas!

  4. That's so cool!
    It was a very nice feature.

  5. Just found your blog via TCB - and love the ideas, inspiration, and detailed instructions!!! I have a 2yo - so finding other mom's with children in the same age range is wonderful - so i can learn fun crafty stuff to do with my son from you!! And I have been collecting boxes for a few weeks now to do a box castle - kinda funny!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I'm always so inspired by reading what you have to say! If you have a question, leave it here or feel free to email me!

-Sarah from Create Studio