Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thanks Martha!

Beautifully sunny day, light breeze, Diet Pepsi with a fresh slice of lime in my hand, Martha's new book in my lap and my toes in the cool grass.  (And it's not even my birthday!)  I couldn't be much happier!
Thanks Martha!  Love the new book!


  1. That looks so nice! I can't wait for it to warm up so I can do something similar. :)

  2. Yay for you! I just got that book too, but I haven't had time to look at it yet! Soon, hopefully.

  3. i linked here from blue castle. thanks for the head's up on this book and the crib toy bag tutorial. lovely blog!

  4. I just found your blog today and found it ever so delightful. You see, I am having a nothing day and nothing is better than finding a blog like this to fill my nothing day with inspiration. I even blogged about the experience. :) Thanks!!

  5. I hope you enjoy the book girls... Martha has an amazing team! Just think of all the amazing things we could get accomplished with a team like hers! If you want to read about her craft department's on-goings, check out their blog:


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-Sarah from Create Studio