Friday, July 17, 2009

Bun in the Oven!

(Thanks to Feathered Nest and Mutha Crafter for the picture!)

That's right, I've got another bun in the oven!  Our little one #2 is due 2/20/10!  We're looking forward to life as we know it changing dramatically... can anyone tell me how to do it with two!?!

"The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy!" Psalm 126:3


  1. Congratulations!!!!!! What wonderful news. You'll figure out two in no time, don't worry. How far apart will they be?

  2. Congratulations!! What wonderful news :) Having two is challenging at first, but great and much easier once you get the hang of juggling. Love your blog and creative ideas, by the way!

  3. Congrats!!! That icon cracks me up. Reminds me of a t-shirt I saw that says, "I grow humans. What's your super power?"

  4. congratulations! 2 for me is easy peasy: have your husband handle one!you'll love it!

  5. It's almost like having 1. At least I think so. My first boy is super busy and my second boy is not. So i jsut have to run after the 1st one all the time still. But you jsut get used to there sleeping and eatings and do all your things in between them it will get easier after a month or two. Good luck

  6. Congratulations! That Bible verse is one I used on my twins' birth announcement - I love it. Two is just more fun. Enjoy!

  7. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  8. Congrats! You will definetly get the hang of it. I was worried when #2 came along and even more so when #3 did, but you just adjust. I dont think its much harder than 1! Except grocery shopping maybe, lol.

  9. Yay Sarah! Congratulations! Well, you just do what you have to do even if that means staying home and doing nothing at all just to keep them contained! And then do everything else during their naptime....:)

  10. Congratulations! Having two is just like having one, but more so! Actually, as has been mentioned, it can be a challenge in the beginning, but once they start playing together it all comes together beautifully!

  11. congrats!! once you have another, you wont know life any other way ;) the love just keeps growing :) that logo alone makes me want another ;)

  12. congrats! you dont know me, but i love your blog. we have #2 on the way soon too. 19 months apart! eeekkk! i am doing what you are doing, asking moms with 2+ kids HOW THEY DO IT. most of them say...i dont know, it just works out. congrats! hope you are feeling good

  13. Oh my gosh, congratulations!! I second Sarah @ Fiddledeedee who says that having two is a challenge at first but you figure out your own tricks to make it work! Having two is so much fun! :)

  14. Congratulations on this wonderful news! And don't worry about how to do it all with two, you will get the hang of it in no time. And it's so much fun to see siblings interact with eachother. I could watch that all day.:-)

  15. Hi there, love your "About Create"! Congratulations on no.2. I think 1 was the biggest adjustment.... 2 just happens, more joy!!

  16. Congratulations! I've got 4 - somehow you just seem to grow into them!! ;)

  17. Congrats! Two is a challenge but so much fun.

  18. Congratulations! You will do fine with two! I have two that are 3 1/2 years apart! They have a sweet bond and of coarse their moments!

  19. Congrats on number 2! Its easy with 2, try my 5 all under 5! My biggest advice, stick to a schedule. I am so good at schedules, and I think that is what has saved me. I have a 5 Yrs, 3 yrs, twins who are 19 months, and my baby who is 9 months! I can't complain though, I have great kids!

  20. Congrats! I'm due with number four on 2/28/10, so we have similar due dates! My other kids are 4,3,and 2- adding another is no big deal! You'll do great! Good luck!

  21. Thanks so much for all of the encouragement gals! My little ones will be 27 months apart. You all gave some great advice. Sounds like I'll need to take a deep breath and just enjoy the whirlwind! I'm looking forward to it! I continue to soak up every stage of life because I'm sure that one day I'll wish we were back in the middle of it!

  22. Wow!! Congratulations, Sarah!!!! I am sure Owen is thrilled to have a sibling on the way!!


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-Sarah from Create Studio