Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Blog!!

Today is your one year birthday my dear Blog, and I had planned a big celebration week for you, chock full of fun ways to celebrate... maybe a giveaway, maybe a sneak peek at the almost completed Creative Room we've been working on all summer, maybe a collage of all of my favorite posts from the last year. It was going to be a big birthday blowout bash... that was, until life called. One sick baby with the throw-up bug, one purple finger from my flag football game last week, 3rd floor paint up to my eyeballs...
I was a little sad about the fact that you were turning one and I wasn't able to celebrate. Well, that all changed when I checked my email today. I celebrated with tears of joy when I read two separate emails from two women half a world away who were inspired by the ideas they found here and were ready to share them with others specifically because they want their gifts to be used by God. Rather than celebrate your birthday publicly as I had planned, the Lord had other ideas. He wanted me to take the time to reflect on the past year and the opportunities that He has given me through you, little Blog! I am not talented on my own and you would not be here if it weren't for the inspiration that He has given me.

So rather than a big blowout Birthday Bash, I had my own quiet celebration. I was reminded of God's faithfulness this year to provide me with ideas, the resources to act on my ideas, and introducing me to some amazing people around the world who like to be crafty too!

Lord, I praise you for what you have done and are doing with this blog! Thanks for letting me have a front row seat to what you're up to!!

Oh and speaking of being up to things... I'm working on an inspiration board using this Goodwill find. More on that later!


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary! Here's to many more creative years.

  2. Happy anniversary. I enjoy your blog and the crafting tips/ideas.

  3. Happy blogiversary!! And here's to many many more :) You truly are an inspiration, joanne xx

  4. So funny! I was remembering this morning how you stopped me in the hall at work with a giddy smile on your face saying that you were thinking about starting a craft blog. So glad you did. :)

    Patiently waiting for a sneak peek...

  5. Thanks so much for the encouragement girls! Let's do another year! Nat, I totally remember that! I don't know what in the world I used the internet for before blogs!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I'm always so inspired by reading what you have to say! If you have a question, leave it here or feel free to email me!

-Sarah from Create Studio