Monday, February 8, 2010

SYTYC Week 1- Glass Sweet Tea Dispenser

Well, we have the first week of the SYTYC Competition behind us now and I've definitely learned a few things:

1. This is going to be HARD!! (But "hard" in a really challenging, push me to my max creativity kind of way... which is never a bad thing right?!)
2. I need to think in a new way by trying things I've never tried before and I've never seen before... I think it's the ideas that are most original that do best.
3. I've got to stay at least one step ahead, always thinking about the next project because these weeks fly by!
4. The last thing I've learned is how amazing you guys are, my readers. I really had no idea what fabulous guessers you all would be! I want so badly to respond to your comments, but since I'm afraid I'll give myself away I have to bite my tongue. You guys are the best! I love when you take the time to vote and then come back and comment, it is so inspiring to know that you care about what I'm loving right now! Thanks!!

Without any more chit chat, here was my project from Week 1: "For You" (tutorial coming soon)

You know you're from the South if quality "For You" time is spent sipping a tall glass of sweet tea. Yum! And you know you're a Southern Belle if everything you own is monogramed... including your Sweet Tea Dispenser!
My dear friend Anna is a true Southern Belle. She loves entertaining, sweet tea, and Tim, her new fiancé! She'll be getting a brand new last name in May, and what better way to celebrate than with an etched glass sweet tea dispenser made by yours truly!
What bride doesn't love seeing her new initial all over everything, Southerner or not!? In a winning tutorial I'll show you two very easy and inexpensive techniques, so you can get a head start on all of your wedding gifts.


  1. So very cute! I love the initial on it!!!

    sandy toe

  2. The dispenser looks great!

    But really, score one for sexism if in 2010 someone is psyched to participate in a centuries-old tradition where we celebrate becoming someone else's possession. I'd much rather see a craft celebrating the new last name that the couple is going to take on together. But there you go, the gift wasn't for me!

  3. I love it - and I voted for you without even knowing it!!!

  4. GreenStockings,
    Sad that you consider marriage becoming someone else's possession. I was honored to take my husband's last name and share in our new life together!

  5. what a fun gift...and I have to agree with you sarah. I am a rule follwer and it's sooo hard to bite my tongue and be kills me...

  6. I love it and hope you post a tutorial soon!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I'm always so inspired by reading what you have to say! If you have a question, leave it here or feel free to email me!

-Sarah from Create Studio