Friday, April 1, 2011

Rag Rug Meets Slouch Bag

What do you get when you combine two Goodwill sweaters and an old grey t-shirt?

Rag rug meets slouch bag!
Perfect for my knitting treasures.


  1. Wow, this bag is the best thing every, what an amazing idea, I love it. I have been thinking about making a scarf with the same technique, hadn't thought about a bag. Genius!

  2. What a great little bag! It looks like the perfect size for a knitting project!

  3. So cool! I wanna make one...did you follow a tutorial or is this your own design? The colors are great too :)

  4. Thanks girls! Elizabeth, the design is my own, I just braided the three strips of material together and followed the old rag rug process, except that after about 5 rings I started to stack the rings. The handles were made by allowing a little slack in the top ring. I'm so glad you like it!

  5. This is really cute, and I love the colors! Great job :)


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-Sarah from Create Studio