Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fabric Love

When I love something I kinda go all out, all my chips are in, nothing held back, all emotions are on the table. So the word "like" isn't very commonly heard coming out of my mouth.

Now you know that when I say I love fabric, I'm REALLY in love (bordering on obsessed) with fabric. If you've been reading this blog for any small length of time it's pretty obvious that my favorite colors are in the blue, green, aqua (is that redundant?) family.

My sweet friend Marty gave me a gift certificate to my favorite fabric store for my birthday and it burned a whole in my pocket until I had the chance to go. I would normally gravitate towards the cool colors, but today I thought I would be a renegade. Maybe it has something to do with turning 30, but here goes, I'm branching out...
Look at all of these beautiful new colors for me!
I mean, yes, that is a red you see there! I'm so crazy.
But don't worry, just to show you that I haven't completely lost my mind I bought this aqua pattern. Maybe these nice birdies want to help be "branch out" (cheesy pun most certainly intended). Birdies, would you like to be friends with the red dots?
Or the green floral? You had better speak up, because the non-renegade Sarah really likes this green floral.
I love blues and greens, did I mention that when I love something I really, really mean it? Oh yeah, I did.


  1. Oh, I am SOoooo a blues and greens girl too! ; ) I even decorated my soon-to-arrive baby girl's nursery in mostly blues and greens. I love your renegade color choices too, though. Those muted golds and snappy reds can really bring out a whole new level of beauty in our favored blues and greens.

  2. I'm loving your choices especially the bird one! Oh SEW cute;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Please share you favorite fabric store :) I am on the hunt.

  5. Heather, my favorite place for cottons is Wish Upon a Quilt. Cheesy name, GREAT stuff! They are located near the Westgate post office and online. For upholstery fabric I like Mill Outlet Village.

  6. I am new follower of your blog. I like your renegade color choices too. Those muted golds and snappy reds can really bring out a whole new level of beauty in favored blues and greens.
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  7. Collection of all fabric is too good and most attractive thing is that blue bird with beautiful tree. Red polka dots in white background always best to keep on drawing table.
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-Sarah from Create Studio