Friday, September 30, 2011

A *Sweet* Baby Boy Shower

I love any excuse to make lots of sweets! Our friends Rachel and Tyler are having a baby boy, Leeland, very, very soon. Our Sunday School class threw her a shower and I got to do what I love the most... bake and eat! This little man got the full treatment...
Chocolate pudding cups with homemade whipped cream and a sugar cookie to top it off.
And you remember those little man cupcakes back there? Oh yeah, they made another appearance!
I've got to share my "Perfected Key Lime Pie" recipe with you soon. My husband and I bit the bullet and did a lot of personal testing to get this one juuuust right!
Oh and I've saved the best for last! This was my take on a cookie cake.
Here's the deal, you bake two dozen slice and bake chocolate chip cookies and let them cool. Layer 4 cookies with my vanilla buttercream frosting then 4 more cookies and repeat this process until the cake is as tall as you want it.
There will be a hole in the center. Pipe homemade whipped cream in the center, spilling out over the top, and allow the whole concoction to set up in your fridge overnight. The result is out of this world! The whipped cream softens the cookies and the frosting holds the whole thing together with just the right amount of sweetness. Oh so good!
Thanks for the excuse to eat sugar Rachel and Tyler, we can't wait to meet your new little sweet thing soon!

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks so yummy! Where did you find the cute glasses you used for the pudding cups?


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-Sarah from Create Studio