Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2 Hour Cowl

I have a ton of great things to share with you from my trip to West Palm Beach, FL last week, so I thought I'd get this quick project out first. I whipped up this cowl in a couple hours last night. I don't knit, so I used my lickety knitter, or whatever it's called.
I love that thing! (Here are a couple of my other projects using it: blanket and hats.)
Here's the cowl inside out. Love it that way too! Don't really love taking pictures of myself in the mirror though... awkward!


  1. wow! how cool is that?!? great job, girlie :)

  2. Love this! I don't know how to knit either - is it pretty easy to use? Great job :)

  3. Oh yeah, it's super easy, a great TV project!

  4. Sarah, this is just beautiful ! want one! What great Christmas gifts these would make - I can't believe you did that in two hours! So cool1

  5. That's a beautiful cowl. I'm amazed you can finish that in 2 hours. Now I want one of those thingamajiggers.

  6. Holy Cowl! (heh.)

    That is super cute, I love the color of the yarn you picked out.

  7. Do you have a tutorial for this? Or pattern?

  8. Carnelycobb, I'm selling these now! Here's my Etsy site:http://www.etsy.com/shop/CreateStudioShop
    Come visit!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I'm always so inspired by reading what you have to say! If you have a question, leave it here or feel free to email me!

-Sarah from Create Studio