Thursday, November 17, 2011

Big Top Birthday Coming Soon

Owen is turning four on Monday and we're taking him to a little circus that's in town. He's never been to a circus and doesn't exactly know what one is, so I thought I'd give him a taste of it a little early. We're throwing him a "Big Top" birthday on Sunday.
Hot dogs, Cracker Jacks, popcorn, clown hats, a lion tamer... you know, the basics!

I always sketch out what I want my tables to look like before a party. I'm very visual and it helps me to remember what I want to put out and in what serving dishes. That way I don't forget anything.

I think I'll give you a few of my party planning secrets after the party is over. Right now I'm off to taste test the icing... someone's gotta do it!


  1. Cute hats. My gosh you are one organized person. I've never thought to sketch my party table - guess that stems from the fact I can't draw too well. :)

    June K.

  2. can't wait to see the final product! you always host fun and creative parties and showers!

  3. Sarah this looks like a lot of fun! I'm a visual person to, so I totally get where you're coming from. If the hats are any indication of the rest of the party, I can hardly wait to see the rest of the pictures.



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-Sarah from Create Studio