Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh Geez, Christmas Tree!

At long last, my Christmas tree skirt is done! Can I just tell you that I don't like sewing Christmas tree skirts? They require more than my year's quota of math.
When I was little my dad would call out math problems in the car while we were driving somewhere. Being the pleaser that I am coupled with the fact that I have a smarter-than-average younger brother made for many, many long and tearful car rides.

By the time I was... I don't know... a Junior in college... I had finally memorized my multiplication tables. Kidding, but seriously if you want to get me all flustered just say "Quick, seven times eight!"
"Circumference equals two pie r" or is it "pie r squared"? Just typing that makes my palms sweat. (And reminds me that I need to make a chocolate chess pie for a Christmas party tonight!)
There were three different variations of this skirt in my head. I ran out of fabric twice, pom pom fringe once, and I have a ton of ric-rack that will now be used for a different project. Ha! Seriously, I think I need to do a better job of planning.But my attitude changed when I saw how pretty the new skirt looked under our tree and when we put up our favorite ornaments. Good thing I'll only have to make one Christmas tree skirt in my lifetime. That thing better not wear out!
In other news, Pinehurst was wonderful! I've never experienced anything quite like the spa. Just to give you a little taste of the amazingness, when I got out of the shower at the end of my time there they had made me a smoothie to drink while I dried my hair. Who does that?! I loved my little taste of royal living, but honestly, it's good to be home.

1 comment:

  1. It's adorable! And I still can't tell you the formula for area of a circle. Embarrassing as I just took the GRE like two months ago. I hope it lasts a long long time.


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-Sarah from Create Studio