Monday, January 30, 2012

The New Line

Hey My Friends,
It was a productive weekend after a bonkers week and I've got lots of new goodness in the shop. You like goodness, don't you?
I subscribe to the thought that our everyday tasks need unexpected pops of color or charm; a little whimsy brings so much joy.
These are tassel push pins made from vintage steel t-pins with ultrasuede tassels, something I've never seen before and hope you like.
The colors I chose are sure to add the pop of color that your dull and dreary bulletin board may need.
I also whipped up some card holders made out of recycled synthetic leather swatches from a local upholstery shop and brightly colored grommets. Just the right size for business cards or a gift card.
You've probably seen these before. The Legendary Moleskine notebook (famed notebook of Hemingway and Picasso), but with my own twist for your lists, wonderings, dreams and reminders.
I hope you enjoy the new line. Take a little whimsy home!


  1. Love the new stuff you added! Aren't those tassels the cutest! If I had a cork board- they'd be mine....might need to get a cork board now :)

  2. I just wanted to say that I really love your blog and all of the crafty projects. Have a great day!

  3. such beauty! you make some darn cute things. LOVE!

  4. love it, sweet thing. so happy i got to create some of those lovelies with you :)


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-Sarah from Create Studio