Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kids Art Wall

Kyle was out of town this weekend. You know what they say, "While the cat is away, the mice will play."

And play is just what I did!
Two coats of fresh paint on a dreary hallway wall. A trip to Goodwill for some frames. I sanded, primed, painted, hung and then finished just as he was pulling in to the driveway!
I'm horrible at keeping my own secrets, but I kept this one under wraps all weekend and then surprised him with a project fully completed.

I'll be back with a full tutorial soon, but I'm heading to bed now. Staying up painting past midnight for the last few nights is catching up with me!


  1. Love this idea! My 5 year old loves to draw and I never have a good place to display her pictures. Can't wait to dig out some old unused frames and do this little project! Thanks

  2. I have what I call The Wall of Happiness above my sewing station. This idea is PERFECT for it! I love this!

  3. You are so creative!
    And Love that the thermostat is in a frame, LOL!


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-Sarah from Create Studio