Sunday, February 24, 2013

She's Here!

Our sweet little Laney decided to make an earlier debut!  She arrived on February 1... four and a half weeks early.
Laney Elizabeth Tucker
February 1, 2013
5 lbs. 14 oz.
19 inches

We are adjusting to life as a family of five.  My brain is functioning at half mast and I've got some sweet dark circles under my eyes, but these are some precious times.   Our friend Amy Free helped us capture some of the early memories.
We've got our hands full, that's for sure... (reference the application of a jack hammer on Kyle's head in the picture below!)  Our hands are full and so are our hearts... big and full and about to bust, God is so very, very good!!


  1. AHHH! CONGRATULATIONS! She's beautiful! And so tiny! :D I love the photos of your darling family.

    I'm rockin' the dark circles too. Nice to know I'm in good company.

  2. Congrats! We just did that same daddy picture set-up a few weeks ago after we had our third. I saw it on pinterest and just had to try it. Praying you adjust quickly. Just give yourself a lot of grace for the next two months or so. I love having a third already, but our hands and hearts are definitely full!

  3. Congratulations on her arrival! What a sweet new addition to your family! She is precious and her nursery is amazing. What a blessed little girl!

  4. gorgeous picture of you looking at your little lady. i've been thinking about you!! hope all is well...i have a little something to send off...just need to get my ducks in a row :) snuggle that little sweetie, for me too!

  5. Congratulations! She is absolutely precious. And I love her name (my daughter is Lainey).

  6. Congratulations!! What a beautiful family :) Three kiddos are so special.

  7. Aw, What a cute babyyy!!! Congrats to the family of FIVE!! (:

  8. Yay! Congratulations, Sarah...she's beautiful. Glad to hear you're cherishing these busy, exhausting early days. They are a gift, and do pass so quickly. Blessings!

  9. "Thanks be to God for His indescirbable gift!" (ICor 9:15) Beautiful family, fun the nursery. ;)

  10. Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! And not a bad size at all for being so early! Rest up and snuggle with your little girl- you already know they grow so fast! (My little Ella turns 1 tomorrow and I can't believe a year has gone by!)

  11. Congratulations on your beautiful blessing! May she have many long, joyous,and prosperous days.

  12. Congratulations to you guys!!! Gorgeous photos and you all look gorgeous!!! So excited for you! : )

    -Mel the Crafty Scientist

  13. Congratulations on your sweet and beautiful Laney! And you look great too!
    Just curious about where you delivered. I'm coming to Raleigh on vacation this week and (God forbid) if I go into labor early, I'd like to know which hospital to head to!

    Paige in Fort Worth

  14. Paige, Shoot me an email and we'll chat:

  15. Congratulations. What gorgeous photos and a gorgeous family


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-Sarah from Create Studio