Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Usually I like to do all of my projects up in the attic where I can leave a big mess (there you go, I've told my secret), but right now I have a make-shift crafty spot set up in the dining room where it is not so freezing!  I caught myself yesterday referring to the dining room as "My Sewing Room" to my husband!  Oops!  I think I've officially taken over.  Although my spot is not nearly as inspiring as many of your beautiful rooms, it has been getting a lot of action lately!  
Last night I experimented with some beautiful Michael Miller scraps to make these gifts.  I free handed some trees and I think this will be my give away for our craft club's Christmas Craft Exchange Party.  We'll be brainstorming some ideas for what to make in 2009, so if any of you have any input, I'd love to hear it!
Here's a gift for my sweet friend Laurie who just had a baby girl named Annalise.  Isn't that a beautiful name?!  


  1. So cute Sarah! I hate that I won't be able to make it to the party! :(

  2. i love this! can i applique with my regular sewing machine?


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-Sarah from Create Studio