Monday, December 8, 2008

Purse Project Completed... Check one off the list!

 You know those projects that you start and never seem to finish?  It's like you hit a creative brick wall and go cold.  This was one of those.  I had the purse all dreamed up and mostly done, but then couldn't decide on the handles until Black Friday when I was one of the crazies at Michael's at 6:00am!  Funny how inspiration strikes when things are on sale!  These bamboo handles were cheap, so I decided to make them work.  

Our craft club is going to have a Christmas Craft Exchange (bring a completed project that would sell for/is worth about $5-$10 and then we are going to play an open and steal game).  This is in the runnings for the gift that I might exchange, unless I get too attached to it.  We'll see!

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-Sarah from Create Studio