Saturday, December 13, 2008


Hi 👋🏻 I’m Sarah!
I come from a long line of creative people. My dad can create just about anything out of wood... from a tiny stamp holder turned out of a burl to a giant log cabin and everything in between. He sees it, then he makes it.

My mom can create just about anything out of food. She's the type who can go to a restaurant and taste an amazing dish, then replicate it at home, but even better! Mom is famous for her melt-in-your-mouth, sure-to-raise-your-cholesterol-with-a-single-look peanut butter balls! Did I mention they are heavenly!?

When my grandmother on my dad's side was young she would travel to New York with her friends as they picked out prom dresses, only she would collect ideas and fabric then return home to sew her own dress!

My grandmother on my mom's side was brave enough to let me try out her sewing machine when I was little. I would make purses and attempt clothes. Most were miserable failures, (and I can't imagine the ruin I would leave her sewing area in), but that's when I first fell in love with fabric.

I've always loved creative things, I guess partially because those I loved were creative. After graduating with a degree in Journalism from UNC-Chapel Hill, I became an event planner. I planned weddings, corporate, and church events. I would plan other people's events creatively, but rarely did I create for myself. My supportive husband continually encouraged me to pursue and cultivate my talents, then one year he and my parents surprised me with an embroidery and sewing machine all in one Christmas.

Slowly, slowly my personal creative juices returned and my confidence grew until one day back in March of 2008 I sat my mom down and asked her a million and one questions about the craft club she was a part of when I was little. I decided to start my own craft club to surround myself with other women like myself who may have a tiny spark of creativity that just needed to be fanned into flames.

Our group, "Create" began that March, meeting once a month to laugh, craft and eat chocolate. I started this blog in September 2008 as a way of keeping up with some ideas for our craft group, but it quickly took on a life of it's own!  I blogged fairly regularly for over five years, but 2013 hit hard. Our third child and first girl was born early in February with lots of complications, I had my appendix out that May, and my husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in December.  I was contacted that year by a company wanting me to blog for them, so I had a big decision to make!  After much prayer, God gave me a peace about stepping away from blogging all together to focus on raising my family and caring for my husband.

Fast forward to 2020 and my kids' school was looking for substitute teachers.  After resurrecting my extremely dated resume I jumped in to the unknown, learned how to work a copy machine again (!) and quickly fell in love with the classroom! Our art teacher of 25+ years was retiring and I had the opportunity to shadow her and help her any chance I could, tucking away all of her gold nuggets of wisdom. The following school year, I served as the assistant to our school's new art teacher. Now I teach elementary students in two places: a private art studio and a Christian camp where I was a camper decades ago!

I’m passionate about using any talent I’ve been given to create beauty, ignite joy, and light up the world through my own art and the art of those I teach.

My goal with this account is to collect all of my favorite resources and inspiration, then share it with you in hopes that it will help you feel supported as an art teacher. 

Just like in my classroom, here we will:
  • notice God’s beauty, order and design
  • train our hands to create
  • worship and enjoy God
  • share truth in new and beautiful ways
I’m committed to sharing these resources with you because our role in these kids lives is important. As creatives, we are possibility makers and imagination stokers! Teaching kids how to create beauty is a worthy pursuit. Our students need the Beauty we have found.
James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father..." This blog is one of those good gifts from Him! I don't claim to be talented on my own. I was created in the image of a creative God and He has graciously given me every ounce of inspiration. This blog is a resource to bring Him glory. Apart from Him I can do nothing!

Please reach out to me if I can help you in any way!  As an enneagram 2, helping is my favorite!

createstudioblog@gmail (dot) com


leaf and letter handmade said...

hi sarah!
i check your blog often, it is so fun to read :) you have some great crafty ideas! i was wondering if you could share how you put the "about me" etc. tabs at the top, i have been trying to figure out how to do that in blogspot for the longest time! i love blogging, but i feel like i need to do a little housekeeping/organizing so things are easier to find :)
hope you're having a wonderful christmas with your family!

Sarah said...

Thanks so much for reading! Check out this link:
Shannon helped me through it, she's great with this kind of stuff!

Wooni said...

Hello Sarah,
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your blog and I have added you to my list of great blogs! Thanks for being an inspiration.
Happy New year

Christina said...

Hello, Sarah! I stumbled across your blog yesterday as I was searching for ideas for handmade Christmas gifts for my little guys. I love the number beanbags and am planning on making them for my almost-one-year-old. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed looking at your blog, reading some of your posts, and getting ideas! (For example, I'm planning parties for my two boys. The themes for their parties are trains and construction! I almost laughed out loud when I saw your party ideas.)

Katie Lewis said...

Sarah, I too just stumbled across your blog and was actually wondering the same thing as someone previously wondered- how do you get the tabs on the top of your page. But when I typed in the address you posted in response to their question I was told it is no longer available.
Do you have another suggestion on how to get those tabs?
Thank you so much for your time.
And also for your love of God. It's encouraging to receive inspiration from a sister I've never met.

Sarah said...

Looks like the menu bar link changed. Try this one for some great instructions:

Angela said...


Just wanted to say that I love your blog. Its so nice to be reminded of how God created us so perfectly. I just started my own blog for my etsy shop where I make items for children :) I only have one post so far and its great to have people like you lead by example.


Crafty Mom said...

Hi Sarah,

I love your blog and am so thankful to have found it! I am in the process of starting a Mommy craft group in my community to get-to-know other new Moms (& Dads). We have only had one event so far at a friend's home, but will be having a second soon at a local community centre. The aim is to try to craft while our babies play together (this sometimes involves us dividing into two groups so one parents can look after two babies for a short time). I will be checking back here often for ideas! I'm very impressed with your work!

Beth (Toronto, Canada)

Emily said...

Wow! This is such a wonderful way to celebrate your little man! I would love the templates if you'd like to share them. I just sent you an email. Thanks!

Barry & Beth said...

Hello Sarah! I happened across your blog this morning while searching Pinterest for ideas on a garbage truck party for my {soon-to-be} 3 year old! He is set on having one & so I'm out to make that happen! I am a blog lover so I'm so glad I found you. Your family is beautiful! Congratulations on the addition of your little girl. May the Lord bless & keep you, may His face shine upon you...

From GA-