Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 7 from 8:45am until noon. If you're ready to register, click here. The cost is $5 if you register before Oct. 13 then the price increases to $7. Register early to get the best selection of workshops. Here's the list of workshops offered:
Handmade Christmas Cards
Ladies Night Out: Earthly Gatherings with Kingdom Purpose
Holidays on a Budget
Healthy Holidays
Family Illness/Crisis and Christmas
"Grand" Ideas for the Holidays
Festively Frugal
I'm Just A Mom With A Camera
Celebrating the Joy of Christmas with Children
Elegant, Fun and Easy Gingerbread Houses
Cooking for a Crowd
Wow, this sounds like such a wonderful event. If only I was local (or even in the same country, lol!). I help run the women's organisation in my church (I'm LDS) and we were thinking of having an evening towards the end of the year to help the women prepare for Christmas. I'm now thinking of doing a similar event to yours, if you don't mind me 'stealing' the idea and altering it for our needs! We only have a small group of women (about 30) but if we encourage them to bring other family and friends... Thanks for the inspiration! Let's put Christ back in Christmas!! :) joanne xx
I'm so glad you like the idea! It's one of my favorite events of the year and I'd love to help your church however I can. If you have any questions as you begin the planning process, please email me!
Oh, I'm going to miss this event so much. It has always been my favorite. I might just have to make a special trip...:)
This sounds really cool. We should do this too! Hmmm...now my gears are turning! Thanks for sharing!
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