10 weeks 10 crafters 10 challenges. Who's the craftiest? Let's decide!
There's a new competition starting Monday featuring some of my favorite crafters on the internet: "So You Think You're Crafty!?"
Here’s how it works: Ten craft bloggers will be going head to head to find the web's favorite crafter. Every week for 10 weeks there will be a new theme. The 10 featured crafters will submit their best craft that uses that theme. Then it’s up to us to vote for the best one! Each week the winning craft will be posted as a tutorial to give us a chance to try our hand at it. However, the crafter with the least votes will be “sent home.”
Want to check it out?! Click here. Who is your favorite? I have to admit I'm a little biased already because the blogger who originally inspired my crafty pursuits and this blog, Jill, is in the competition. However, I also subscribe to Mique and Dana's fabulous blogs too, so this is going to be a tough decision!
Thanks for posting about this, and for the biased support! :)
By the way, your creative room is AWESOME. I want to move in.
And Jessica at Happy Together is awesome... check her blog! http://www.ohsohappytogether.blogspot.com/
I second Jill- thanks for the biased support. :)
And thanks for the comment & doing your questions over again. You are too cute!
Just so you know, it's anonymous- so even if you did want to vote...for let's say, Jill (or me), you won't know for sure who's it is. We all thought that would be the fair way- otherwise it might not be for the best craft, but who they like most. I'm interested to see though, based on everyone's styling, if we'll all be able to tell.
I am nervous!!!! Anyway- long comment. Have a good one.
You should participate next time....you are SO crafty and your creative room is fantastic!
Hey!!! Thanks for listing my ribbon camera strap on your things you want to try! Loving how the new room is coming together. You should definitely be in the list of 10 participating...
Wow! Thanks for the vote of confidence. It would be really fun to participate. I think I'd be really scared of getting kicked out the first week! :)ha!
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