Monday, November 9, 2009

Simple Christmas

Isn't it easy to see those beautiful pictures on the front of ALL of the magazines you're getting right now and set tons of unrealistic expectations for yourself for this holiday season? Then the big day comes and it doesn't look exactly like the picture... or your family arrives 30 minutes late and you're totally in a funk the rest of the day!? My friend Jenn spoke at our Holidays Fit for the King event this weekend and encouraged us all to have a simple Christmas and Thanksgiving this year... to focus on cultivating the right heart rather than the right side dish. It would be better to eat Bojangles for Thanksgiving and to have a happy family than to have a massive feast with bitter hearts.
Proverbs 17:1 says, "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife." Proverbs 15:17 says, "Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred." Can I get an Amen!!

At our event each of the tables is decorated by a different volunteer. The idea is that the women in attendance will be able to get great, practical ideas for decorating. Many times the "Ah-ha moments" come from seeing an item they may already have repurposed! You don't need to go out and buy Pottery Barn's latest Thanksgiving tablescape if you can get the same feel using something you already have! Put that creativity to work!

So I'll start us off with my table. Remember these glass containers? My ribbon may be all over the place, but at least the table looked cute!
I used all paper products because that's so much easier don't you think?
This is Rockie's Christmas tree themed table. She made almost everything you see here! Pretty creative isn't she?!
I loved the way Laura used candy in this centerpiece.
This table was my favorite! My friend Donna made it and she hulled out small pumpkins to use as "pots" for the little flowers at each place setting. Donna always comes up with something amazing! Remember her table from last year with the wine glass votive holders?
Leslie wrapped up empty boxes for this table and kept all of the gift wrapping supplies out. Wouldn't this be a great centerpiece for a gift wrapping party with the neighbors?
Shirley used a bird cage for this one! I mean hey, if a dog can wear a Christmas sweater why couldn't a bird be a live centerpiece? Kinda makes me hungry though!

After breakfast the women split off to go to their workshops. Michele led the gingerbread workshop.
Every attendee of this workshop got to make her own gingerbread house! There were a ton of happy (and sugar-high) campers leaving this room!
We had prayed that God would get every bit of the glory for this event and that the women in attendance would be encouraged to make their own homes "fit for the King" this holiday season. I'd say it was a success!

For more tablescape inspiration, visit these links from our 2008 Event:


  1. This looks like so much fun! I love those verses :) its a great reminder! Thanks for sharing

  2. what great table decor ideas. i posted an article today about de-stressing the holidays that might help.

  3. Love it! Got any new ideas for Christmas gifts? I need to get my brain in Christmas gear.

  4. I love that you share your experiences with this event. I only wish I lived closer and could attend! Beautiful tables. I'll be incorporating a few of these ideas into my home this season.



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-Sarah from Create Studio