Hey Friends! Thank you all so much for your sweet emails, comments and prayers! As of today I am 34 weeks pregnant and I've been at the hospital for almost 3 weeks. The doctors are hoping that I'll be stable for the next 2 weeks, then they will do a c-section.
Bedrest has it's ups and downs. The first week was an adjustment to this new way of life. Now I'm making the most of all of this free time! When will I get the chance to do this much reading, journaling, eating meals in bed, movie watching and taking awesome naps in the middle of the day again?! It has been a blessing in disguise because I'm sure when baby boy #2 comes life will not be as slow-paced! Thanks for the great book suggestions! I read a review on each one and I ended up reading half of Gilead and all of The Help... awesome! I think I'll start on Savannah Blues next. I only wish I could bring my sewing machine to the hospital, then the fun would really start!
I have done a couple of crafty things since I've been here though. My friend Rockie visited with some craft therapy! We made fabric flower pins following the Little Lizard King tutorial. This was the perfect project for the hospital! Thanks Rockie, you're the best!

The first week here I wasn't allowed to take a shower, so you can imagine how wonderful it was when they told me I could finally get cleaned up!! I decided I'd try something different with my hair following a tutorial I saw a few weeks ago. For the life of me I couldn't find the link again to share with you all, but here's my version... hospital hair!
And what has little Owen been up to all this time? My parents and some friends have been taking good care of him. Dad even helped Owen make these "special socks" when they came to visit me one day. The nurses and I got a good laugh out of his new use for boring ol' surgical gloves!

My posting will still be very spotty in the weeks to come, but I'll do my best. Thanks again for your encouragement! Have any of you been on bedrest? If you've got any good suggestions for things to do I'd love to hear them!
Sarah, your hospital hair looks lovely :)
Keep on taking care of yourself, Mamma! I'm shooting prayers your way from Cali!
I was on bed rest for 8 wks (wk 29-37) before the birth of my twins, so I know what you mean when you say you get board. I used my time to catch up on shows, a lot of the networks have them from on-line. I also looked up every blog on the internet and planned my kids Halloween costumes and Christmas outfits. I found patterns I liked and then shopped online for fabric. I did very little reading because I have to lay on my left side and my arm would go numb holding the book. To top it off I must have played 100's-1000's of games of free cell on the computer.
Wishing you the best!
love the hair and socks on the tootsies!
sandy toe
I love Owen's shoes (like duck feet, but blue)!! Glad to hear that you are still Prego and doing well!
I was on bedrest from week 22 to delivery at week 35. It was great for a few weeks but then I nearly lost my mind. You are doing awesome and have a great attitude! I hope the time goes quickly but you also get lots of time to rest up. I spent a lot of time watching movies, netflix became my best friend. :) I'm so glad I did because now that my little man is here I never have time to watch movies.
Hang in there. I can't imagine how bored I would get. Maybe you could take up knitting? I've always wanted to learn but never have the time to just sit and knit. ;) I hope it goes by quickly for you!
Your Hospital hair is so cute. I have never had to be on bed rest.... I am sorry about that. In fact all my babies were 2 weeks past their due dates... OH MY. lol
Hang in there. Enjoy your time of peacefulness. : )
Sarah-I am praying for you! Enjoy your rest. :)
Glad to hear that you are hanging in there! I have to say that your hospital hair looks better than my every day hair!!!
Crafting by Candlelight and Life by Candlelight
Thinking of you! Hang in there - you've almost made it!
P.S. I love the "socks" :)
Sarah, I have been keeping up with the blog and all, and I just have to say you are so great. You are handling all of this with such grace and patience. And your hair is too cute! I am praying for you and baby to stay healthy.
So glad to see an update and that things are going as good as can be expected on bed rest. I check here often and worried a little bit with no news.
Your new fan from Florida,
I featured you today over at Sassy Sites! Come by and check it out... and grab a sassy Featured Button!! Have a great weekend! :)
good luck with your new baby!
I've been praying for you! So glad that you are "hanging in there". I love your hair style! It's beautiful.
Do you know where your mom got the red gerbra daisies? Corey is getting married this weekend & her colors are red, black, & white with red gerbers as the flowers. I'd like to get a few for the party at our house Fri. night to surprise her...
If you find out, could you have your mom email me? (smunshow@bellsouth.net)
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