Monday, January 31, 2011

Lickety Knitting

With all of this cold weather we've been having lately I thought it would be a good time to try out my knitting skills on a couple of baby hats. I call them the "His" and "Hers" hats.
"His" on the left, "Hers" on the right, complete with a little pom-pom on top.
Busy moms everywhere, I'll let you in on a little secret... no needles were used for this project, just a loom and some wonderfully chunky yarn. The loom (I call it my "lickety knitter") held my place while I wiped noses and ran after runaway toy cars, making knitting just that much easier. I made these in about two hours a piece.
And how cute is that little model?!
Trey will have to wait a couple more weeks to pose with his cousin, Louisa. She's the recipient of the "Hers" hat and she's not done cooking just yet!
See you soon, Louisa!


  1. I was considering purchasing one of these for my kiddos, they're 7 & 5 and see Mommy crocheting all the time and want to learn...Looks cute on your little dude.

  2. Tammy, GREAT idea! Your 7 year old would love this! 5 might be a little young, but you could give it a shot and be there to help. Have fun!

  3. Tammy, GREAT idea! Your 7 year old would love this! 5 might be a little young, but you could give it a shot and be there to help. Have fun!


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-Sarah from Create Studio