I'm guessing everyone goes through peaks and valleys in their creativity. Am I right? It seems totally natural to be completely dry creatively one day, then the creative lightning strikes and you're up all night dreaming up your next big crafty adventure!
I've been going through a valley lately. (Although I have done a bit of knitting that I can't wait to show you when I get my act together!) So what do you do while you're waiting for the sparks to ignite? How are you inspired?
Here's a great article with 12 tips to light your creative spark. Save this post and read it when you might be in your next creative funk. I would add one more tip though. My friend Emily recently told me about Pinterest.

Basically, it's a place to house all of the internet pretties that you find. You can add a quick link to your bookmarks bar, then any time you find a picture that inspires you, add it to one of your boards. My boards are:
You can even search for things you're looking for from other people's boards and "follow" them like on Facebook. I'm telling you people... this is just the ticket to get out of the creative blahs! You're going to love it!
Since I did you the favor and told you about your new favorite place on the internet, you've got to tell me when you join so I can follow you. Can't wait to be inspired by all of your pretties!

I joined last week and I'm totally hooked! I'm going to go search up your pins now!
I totally understand about the ups and downs with creativity! I experienced that a few months ago and posted on it too :) I liked the link you gave! Will def. be bookmarking. Thanks!
I LOVE pinterest and discovered it recently too! :) Here are my "pins" - http://pinterest.com/creativeplace/
I'm there!! and obviously addicted, you can find me at
Is there a secret to getting an account? I tried and they said it was still private; they put me on a waiting list.
Humm, Meredith, that's news to me. Send me your email and I'll email you an invitation... that should work!
I too have had a crafting low lately, and my poor blog is suffering! Thanks for sharing!
Sarah, I just now saw your reply. (Duh, me!) But Pinterest eventually sent me an invite. Thanks. :)
Ok, that is cool - thanks for the tip! And perfect, because I have a bookmark list that is MILES long. Longer now that I've bookmarked a lot of your pins! I'm on the waitlist ... hopefully they'll send me an invite soon. :)
Hey Sarah! This post piqued my interested, and I was finally getting around to signing up with Pinterest today. It seems like I need an invite. Can you help a girl out? ;) Thanks!!!
shannon [at] dinglefest [dot] com
thank you SO much for posting this! i had never heard of pinterest before and am so excited to use it! i've been looking for a way to keep my bookmarked projects organized...
all righty. i finally joined, and it's mostly because of this post though I have seen things about pinterest other places. : ) my user name is ladylyn, if you want to follow me. I have lots of boards but no pins yet, though, since I just joined about half an hour ago.
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