We've officially started homeschool with Owen! As most 3 year olds, he is very curious and I thought it would be fun to have more structured play activities with him so I could teach him a few things I wanted him to learn before he started Kindergarten. I'll share a couple of the things we're up to if you're interested. When I have a little more time I'll go into more detail about how I organize my lessons, but for now I'll lead you over to my favorite site for more ideas.
Activity: Color Mixing
So, for our first activity Owen and I talked about the three primary colors: red, yellow and blue. We talked about how all other colors can be made my mixing those colors together.
I took three zip lock bags, filled them each with water and drops of food coloring to make one blue, one red and one yellow bag.
We placed the bags on a white piece of paper and overlapped them to make different colors.
Next we colored a heart red and I traced the same heart on a piece of tracing paper.
He colored that heart blue and we overlapped those to make a purple heart.
A great lead in to our reading time together...
Reading: I Love You the Purplest by Barbara M. Joosse
This is a super cute book about a mom and her two boys (how appropriate!) She loves one the bluest and the other the reddest. This was a great opportunity to talk to O about how I can give all of my love to Trey and all of my love to Owen. I love them both equally. It was also a great way for him to remember just how the color purple is made.

Such a cute book! :) We received it as a gift when William was born.
With two little ones at home (3 and 4) I can't wait to hear about more home schooling ideas... what a good idea! Beats the usual 123 and abc's
that idea with the colored water is awesome!
i can't believe i never thought of that before... :)
A friend just emailed me your blog and I have to say I'm in LOVE with all your postings. I can't wait to get cracking on some of these projects. I'm a believer as well and appreciate your boldness. Blessings to you and yours, Jennifer (an American in New Zealand) p.s. this is a happy pause from the reality of our earthquake. I find being crafty is therapeutic.
What? This is so cool! Thank you for sharing!
The stuff you are writing blows out my mind.
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