Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cupcake Party Baby Shower

Last week I hosted a baby shower for my friend Annie. It was the easiest baby shower I've ever planned and possibly my favorite!
Seems like all of my friends were having boys there for a while, so this is the first girl shower I've planned in a long while! Maybe that played in to why I loved this shower so much, but I'm guessing the biggest reason was that some of my best friends from high school were there!
I made well over 200 mini cupcakes for our party with Owen (he's becoming quite the little sous-chef!) We made them about a month in advance and froze them. (Recipes here.) I made the frosting a week in advance and kept it in the fridge until the night before. I'm telling you, this was an easy shower! I decorated the dining room the week before the shower so the only thing I had to do was frost the cupcakes the night before and clean my house... easy, peasy! This was our menu:
I also made homemade strawberry ice cream because if you're cheating on your diet, might as well make it really worth it!
In the center of the table each of the four types of cupcakes were placed under a glass and labeled with a little cupcake label so everyone knew what they were eating.
I'll show you how to make the cupcake towers later this week. They are made out of cardboard boxes and cans of green beans!
I can't wait to meet baby Hailey, she is one loved little girl already!


  1. Hi Sarah
    (Christina Musser here) - I found the link to your site again and was looking through. So glad you and TRey are doing well. Everyone looks great.
    I love your cupcake trays - I'm going to copy for a bridal shower. And the mini-cupcakes are beautiful! Now I'm rethinking cupcakes - maybe mini would be better -

  2. Oh, this is too fun and cute! You come up with very clever baby showers. : ) And my mouth is watering...

  3. How CUTE! I love how you placed them under the glasses for labeling!

  4. Lauren is right...putting them under the glasses with labels on top is a genius idea. I love all the decor and the cuppy stands! May have to borrow every idea you posted. Now if only you could share your cuppy, don't you hate when readers get all demanding? LOL!

  5. You're right- so simple! What a great idea for a shower. Love it- keep posting!

  6. that is so cute!! you have to share all the recipes for those cupcakes, they sound wonderful!!!

  7. Where did you get your cupcake recipes? I would like to make some of them. Thanks!
    living4mydream at msn dot com

  8. Oh yum! Recipes would be a huge help to make my towers now. Thanks for a great blog and such awesome inspiration.


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-Sarah from Create Studio