I blame Pinterest for the newest yummies that are sitting in my kitchen right now begging to be gobbled up...
You're going to need to watch closely because this recipe requires skill and precision.
Step one... Two Vanilla Wafers ('Nilla Wafers if you're from the south) with peanut butter in the middle.
Did you miss something? Go back and read step one again, slowly. It's a tuffy, I know.

His wife will thank me one day. I've taught him only the finest low-cal recipes. A Southern Baking Tradition... yes sir-ree!
Owen and I made these together.
Too bad we don't have any fun in the kitchen!
Those look insanely delicious and easy to make! Will totally have to try it.
YOU are just about the cutest little southern thing evah! ;)
Too fun and cute!
Just wondering about the chocolate you used to dip these in, did you just melt some chocolate chips? They look yummy!
I used the baking chocolate bark that comes in big chunks, but I'll bet choc chips would work too.
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