Deuteronomy 6:6-9 says, "Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates." (The Message Version)

Since the door frames of our home are currently exposed, we thought it would be a fun opportunity to have a very literal interpretation of that scripture.

Owen provided master class artistic renderings of either himself winking or himself as an Asian with TV antennas for hair. He left that up for interpretation.

Even the Mr. got in on the action... I found this the next morning. I'm certain he doesn't love us in that order though or I may have to accidently burn his dinner tonight. ;)

My biggest gift came today though as the dry wall crew was working. They told me they liked our art work then one of the guys turned to the other guy and said "Hey Bob, do you know what that means? (pointing to John 3:16) He said, "It means that Jesus died on that cross for you and if you believe him then you get to go to a much better place than this one day. I'm going, you going with me?!"

I couldn't have said it any better myself! You going with me?!
Love this! What a shame they won't always be exposed.
Oh, I hope the other guy said yes! What a wonderful moment.
brilliant idea, having your home covered in scripture. Praying for your the opportunities to witness to your work crews as well.
I got chills reading your comment about about the crew guys, what a beautiful moment to witness!
That is awesome about the workers! We did something similar when our church was being built and I still remember it like it happened yesterday.
that is just so unbelievably cool! you never know when you'll make a difference do ya?? :)
I love it! Such a great idea to do as a family, and extra special that you offered up some talking points to your crew as well :)
how awesome it was to witness a witness! : ) praise Jesus, i'm going with ya!
We did something similar when we remodeled our house...except we wrote different scriptures on the concrete floors of each room. I think about the verses that "belong" to each room often. Great idea!
I love that your family took the opportunity to do this! We had some good friends build a house recently and when the beams were still exposed we gathered and wrote scriptures and prayers for their family on the beams. It was a powerful testament to the central place of faith in the home! We never even considered the witness it would provide for the builders...God is good!
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