Before I tell you about my newest obsession I have to make one disclaimer... I do not like the taste of greek yogurt on it's own. Ick!
I think the most disgusting thing is to watch people eat foods like greek yogurt. Do you chew it? It doesn't exactly swallow without a strange face and a little bit of a swish around in your mouth. Oh this is grossing me out just typing it.
Back to what I do like... it is a fantastic substitution for sour cream, cream cheese or mayonnaise. I've made a chocolate cake with plain greek yogurt, smoothies with vanilla yogurt (for a little added sweetness), cookies, muffins, even wild rice and chicken casserole using greek yogurt as a substitution. This recipe is particularly easy using plain greek yogurt rather than the mayo. It tastes exactly the same, you're adding protein and getting rid of excess fat calories you don't need!
A 6 oz serving contains about 15-20 grams of protein as opposed to the 9 grams (and additional sugar) you would get in regular yogurt. I'd recommend the low fat version though, because if there's one bad thing about greek yogurt it's that it can pack on the additional fat if you don't buy the low-fat kind. Here's a substitution chart to help you on your next baking adventure...

oh for heaven's sake. that chart is the best news i have heard all day.
The funny thing about Greek yogurt is that it was one of the few things I really felt like eating during the first trimester of my last pregnancy. Then when I tried it again after the whole pregnancy thing was over and done, I just didn't like it. Barg. It IS great for cooking, though!
I love to use Greek yogurt to make chicken salad. I don't like mayo (or Greek yogurt alone), but throw in some craisins and shredded chicken and it is tangy and tasty!
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