Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And Baby Makes FIVE!

I don't know how it is possible for one month to be so very bonkers, but here it is almost August and I haven't blogged a single time this month.  Well, that just won't do.  
I can't show you what all of my creative juices have been pouring into lately, you'll have to wait until March.  March 3rd to be exact.  I've been busy making another little one!  Yippee!! :)
You'd think by now that my body would be like, "Oh, we're doing the kid thing again?  I've got this!"  But I've been so sick.  If you've been reading for a while you know that my pregnancies tend to be very... um, eventful!  So we are praying that this pregnancy is extra boring.
I can't tell you how soothing it was though to see my sweet little one on that ultrasound yesterday, to hear that heartbeat and watch those teeny tiny little arm nubs "waving" at us.  Healthy pregnancies are nothing short of a miracle.  Life is a miracle and I don't take that for granted.

I've been so blessed to have the help of my sweet hubby.  Just last night he made the kids dinner, cleaned the kitchen and put them to bed all after working a full day of work!  What a guy!

I hope you all are doing well and enjoying these long summer days.  I love you girls too and am so thankful for your friendship!

(Pictures are from some of our July adventures... Pullen Park in Raleigh, Washington DC and Holden Beach, NC)


  1. Congratulations! OH - Holden Beach! My second favorite place on earth!!

  2. Yah! I love hearing baby news! I'll pray for a boring pregnancy for you this time around! I get extremely sick with all off mine- no fun. I have a march baby- such a good month! I'll be praying for you!

  3. Congratulations! Babies are such a blessing to a family:) I love the picture of your son in the boat... so adorable!

  4. So, I don't actually "know" you. We have quite a few mutual friends, I have been reading your blog forever, and I think I may have seen you a couple times at daylight donuts (but haven't ever said anything because I am dealing with my 3 and you are dealing with yours and don't really have the minutes to add in a crazy blog stalker). Anyway, I just thought I would comment and say congrats and that I will be praying for your pregnancy.

  5. Congrats! Welcome again to the preggo train! :) I am due around Thanksgiving but hope to make it to mid-October before I have to deliver...needless to say this pregnancy has been super eventful too.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS! :D Morning sickness stinks. I'll be praying that the rest of your pregnancy will be nice and boring.

  7. Congrats Sarah!!! So happy for y'all : ) you'll be in my prayers!

  8. amazing! congratulations! hope the rest of the ride is nice & calm :) (& i'm sending girl vibes your way- can't let all that wonderful sewing creativity be wasted on boys! lol) ~lindsey

  9. Congratulations! I hope you're feeling well.

  10. congratulations, Sarah!!! yayyy! how exciting. maybe all this sickness means it's a girl? 3rd times the charm?! ;) hope you're feeling a little better!!

  11. yay you are back! Hope you feel better soon! So exciting! Wahooo!

  12. Congratulations, Sarah!

    I love your joyful, life-affirming attitude. I'm so sick of hearing the ungrateful groans of women pregnant with an unexpected third child. They have bought into the world's lies of 2 kids being ideal. Oh, how that lie limits the blessings of our life-giving God! They have forgotten the Source of Life and His miracles.

    Thanks and congrats!

  13. Thank you all! I'm still feeling icky at 11 weeks, but hopefully I'll make the turn soon and get back to crafting. Don't you love strange pregnant cravings? Right now it's Chef Boyarde (sp?), Doritos and mac and cheese from the box... don't judge! ;)

  14. so that's why i didn't see this...i was in sd :) CONGRATS, my friend. you are such a great mama. this little fetus will be one lucky baby! love you!! hope you had a good day! :)


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-Sarah from Create Studio