I have this pair of dark jean capris that I love, but were one size too big for me when I'm not pregnant. It annoyed me to be forced to wear a belt and a long shirt to hide the baggy butt, but I just loved the denim so much I went through it. Well, now that I'm a few pounds heavier, they fit beautifully, but don't button.
I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to put my Project Runway skills into action and, "make it work!" Well, I have to tell on myself... figuring this out took me way way too long. I'm not a follow-the-directions type of sewer, so I like to learn by my mistakes. I made a few (4!) mistakes along the way that caused me to have to rip everything out and start again... why am I telling you this? Because once I figured out the best way to do it, I realized just how super easy it is to make maternity jeans. I'll show you.
You'll need:
- A pair of jeans that are one size too big for you when you aren't pregnant (and that you're just about able to slip over your hips when they are unbuttoned but not unzipped)
- A tight fitting stretchy shirt (mine was a well-loved shirt from Banana Republic until it got bleached...opps!)
- Scissors
- Seam ripper
- Sewing Machine and pins

Start by locating the side seam that runs from the outside of your ankle to your hip. Cut the waist band of your jeans on the inside of that seam (closer to the zipper) on both sides. Then use your seam ripper to remove the waist band in the front only.

See how I only removed the waist band in the front?

Once the waist band is removed, make sure the zipper is all the way up and grab your stretchy t-shirt. Cut a rectangle portion of your shirt that is as long as the distance from one hip to the other hip of your jeans and about 6 inches wide.

Sew the stretchy shirt to the front of your jeans, with the raw edge exposed at the top (don't worry, we'll cover that edge up later.) In the picture below, you'll see the raw edge above the stitches where I'm pointing.

Next, we will sew the shirt to the side of the back waist band that we left in tact. First, you'll fold a small portion of the shirt inwards.

Then flip the shirt up, pin the side in place and sew that portion. You'll want to slip the pants on at this point to do the final pinning. Fold the shirt panel in 1/3rd of the way and then 1/3rd of the way again so that the raw edge of the shirt is tucked away in the back. Pin this new panel in place and take the pants off.

The folded portion of the shirt panel is now tucked inside the pants and you just have to finish by sewing this down. Can you see the final stitches at the bottom of the new panel on the inside of the garment?

Love these!!! They are so comfy now and are sure to get lots more wear!

Oh and that baby bump... we found out we are expecting another little boy!! Due Sept. 17th.

I absolutely LOVE being a mom of boys, so we couldn't be more excited! Hope you enjoy the tutorial. Thanks for reading!
Congrats on the second boy! As a mom of two boys, I have to say you will love it! (not that you woldn't have loved parenting one of each...) My boys already adore each other and are only 20 months and 6 months.
You are just so clever!
Congrats on another boy!!! YAY :) The jean are toooo cute.
Congratulations on another boy! Great tutorial, too! :)
Cute jeans! Congrats on the boy. :)
sooo cute and congratulations! these are definitely on my list for when that time comes around again for us :)
this could not come a perfect time thanks so much for sharing i just found out we are expecting in Dec so i can alter my capris
Again thanks so much
congrats on your little one
Completely love this! I linked you at www.wecraftdaily.blogspot.com
great job Sarah!!
Will use for sure when we are blessed with another one. My daughter's birthday is September 17th ...what a day! Congrats!
Wow, these are fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing this, I'll be linking.
I'm not even preggo and I'm thinking about doing this to some of my jeans that don't fit right or stay up. Love this idea, can't wait to experiment with it!
i'm due 18th sept and where i live (sudan) you can't buy maternity clothes - and handily i have a one size up pair of jeans....YAY!!!!
i detect maternity jeans on the horizon.
THanks so much for posting this tutorial. we will go back in a few months, to the US for the birth so hopefully i will be able to arrive with at least something that is suitable to wear until i can get to target! (here i wear long baggyish skirts out - which would look tres weird in america!
What a clever idea! I would have never even thought of doing such a thing! clever clever clever!
thanks for sharing your knowledge - I have a pair set aside already!
Love these! I'm about a month ahead of you and have been sewing all sorts of maternity clothes (mostly skirts for the warm summer months ahead of us- haha!). :) I think it's so fun to be pregnant at the same time as someone else... AND, I have a little boy as well (23 months old), though the contents of the baby bump are a surprise.
Anyhow, fun to *meet* you over the internet! Congrats on your pregnancy... :)
kirstin @ kojo
ps- We have a Friday Fun Finds party every week- we'd love for you to link to these (the party from this week may still be open... or next week works just as well).
Pretty neat jeans! Congrats on another boy I have 3, almost 10 yr old (in July), 2 1/2 yr old (on the 28th)and a 10 month old(on the 28th). Boys are rough and tough, but little casanovas. :) Congrats again!
You look awesome! I'll have to try these sometime. Thanks for the great tutorial. :)
I am also due Sept 17th and love this idea!
This is a great idea. My mom is an excellent seamstress so maybe I will have her fix my jeans :)
I am also due September 17th!! I already have 2 boys (ages 5 and 21 mts) and we just found out this baby is a girl!!
I feel like I get fatter faster with each pregnancy.
Lucky little guy! Congrads! I love this tute and will be featuring it at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com tomorrow. Grab my 'featured' button.
THANK YOU! I am 16 weeks with my first and still trying to get the hang of this shopping for maternity stuff. It's the only time in your life you buy clothes EXPECTING to get bigger. How bogus is that? Anyway, this tutorial is really helpful. I can't wait to get my sewing machine out of storage and try it. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing! I'll have to remember this for the next pregnancy (not that I can sew, but I think I can figure this one out, with your great tutorial and photos!)
Congrats!!! So thrilled for you!
I must say that you were very brave to make that 1st cut on the waistband. Turned out great!
I found your blog at this tutorial was the best one online. I am 12 weeks pregnant and my jeans don't button and so I tried your idea and it works perfect. I like that there is only a portion of the jeans that have the band. I think if I did the whole way around my pants would be falling off. THANKS FOR SHARING!!!
⊰♥⊱ ⊰♥⊱ I found your blog at oneprettything! This is a great tut! ⊰♥⊱ ⊰♥⊱
1. Women always wants to keep herself stylish. During pregnancy period she has to be very conscious. Your post is really helpful for pregnant women to be stylish even during her pregnancy.
Pregnancy Fashion
Congrats on new baby!!! And thanks for a great,EASY, tutorial...well done... My daughter is a nurse,and I can apply this technique to scrubs and jeans and she'll be all set! AND I just found some of those" trendy tops" at a salvage store CHEAP,so I'll use those and save a few cuts!!!
Great tips on maternity clothing. Marvelous collection of maternity clothes. The pants look great and comfortable. Creative ways to make maternity clothes cute and stylish at the same time.
Here some maternity jeans
Great tips on maternity clothing. Marvelous collection of maternity clothes. The pants look great and comfortable. Creative ways to make maternity clothes cute and stylish at the same time.
Here some maternity jeans
your blog gives the significance of maternity jeans which wearble at the time of pregnance it will be usefull to every women thanks for sharing such a wonderful information
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