I'm so honored that you guys voted for my project last week to win the "SYTYC Week 3: For the Kitchen" competition!! You can find the tutorial
here. I'll be posting it again on my blog next week.

I think I finally
stumped a few of you too! I didn't stump Amy though, she remembered that I had used the same fabric to make my
Mod Podge Flats months ago... good eye Amy, I had forgotten about that!! I can never stump my sister Angie... we didn't even talk about what I was making and I laughed so hard when she said that the type of bread I used gave it away!! Hilarious!

This week Missy decided to switch things up a bit. The polls are anonymous, so there is no way of knowing which craft is in the lead! So head over to
SYTYC to check out the ridiculously amazing "Retro" crafts, vote and then let me know what you think... any guesses about which is mine?
I'm really trying hard to be anonymous and since there is no bread in the photo shoot this week, it may be a little harder for you Ang!! :)
I loved that one!!!
I loved your last project. I think your retro project is the last magnetic board one- it just looks like your style!
I think it's the magnetic board! (= I think I recognize your handwriting to go to the dry cleaners. haha
congrats on your win! that was a great tutorial.
i'm going to say the board...i got enough handwritten things from you back in the good old days of refinery to know your handwriting by heart :)
I guess the magnetic board. Congrats on your win though! I'm so proud to call you friend!
I loved the last one! I am guessing the magnetic board, too. :)
Super cute as always! So what kind of bread DO you use? ;) Funny how our friends and family know the little things about us. I love that.
The handwriting on the magnetic board looks like yours so that's the one I voted for! I hope I'm right!
You always describe your craft so well-I voted for the magnetic board :)
no whammies over here- yours is totally the magnetic board. Two ways I know:
1- your handwriting
2- everyone who got married in 2004 ends up having similar items...thus, those white hydrangea flowers are also in my living room. :)
Great job Sarah. It looks terrific!
Sarah, so good to chat with you today, even if it was for just a few minutes and with two tired toddlers! :o) You have me addicted and inspired to be crafty all at once! Thanks for sharing your gift!! -Abby
I hope you win! I hope you win! I hope you win! Then I can say...."She was my blogfriend before she was famous!!"
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