Owen turned three this weekend!
I had a great golf themed party in mind, but when we talked about it a month ago he was dead set on a "garbage truck party"! What in the world was I supposed to do for a garbage truck party? Google it!! A few image searches later and I realized that I wasn't the only one with a pre-schooler who is in love with garbage trucks! (More ideas here and here.) So with an arsenal of ideas I got started by designing a logo...

I made garbage truck shirts for Owen and his buddies using the freezer paper stenciling method. We wrote each boy a little note and delivered their shirts ahead of time so they could wear them to the party.
I can't believe my little guy is three!!
On to the table... In keeping with the trash theme I used newspaper as the tablecloth and painted on a recycling symbol. A galvanized bucket held the gifts and I made each of the boys a newspaper hat (tutorial coming tomorrow).
Each boy also got their very own Matchbox garbage truck (a HUGE hit for only a dollar each!). And of course the water bottles had to fit the theme too!

So, about that cake... yes, it's a garbage truck too! It was my first time covering a cake with fondant and boy did it do a number on my kitchen! (See the cake in that mess there somewhere!?)

But it was a big hit, so the mess was well worth it!
Happy Birthday Owen! You're such a huge blessing to us!!
I love it! You are so creative. My three-year-old loves garbage trucks too. : )
super cute! We used some of your ideas from Owen's 2nd birthday party for JD's construction themed party this past weekend. Love sharing all these cute ideas. Thanks for being a wealth of knowledge :)
oookay, that picture of Noah and Owen is so stinkin' (pardon the pun haha) cute!! little boys don't get much cuter than that.
Happy birthday sweet Owen. Aunt G, Uncle Ry Ry, Noah bug and Eli love you so very much. Thank you for blessing our lives with so much joy. :)
And Sarah...love the picture of our boys together. They look so similar to me in this picture. Must the the Kyle hair. ;)
That is a unique theme and a great color of green!
Such a cute party! I love the t-shirts and the recycle sign table decoration.
we loved the party! soooo cute! i wish carter got in that cute picture! oh well there's always next year! haha!
Very cute theme, My son is currently obsessed with trash trucks too.
Where did you get the matchbox garbage trucks? I'm trying to look for them but can't find them anywhere for $1
How lovely could e that.The party seems to have been grand and fun.Love the T shirts.The truckers sure need recreation after the hard jobs that they take up.
digger derricks
where did you find those little garbage cans you used with the cake???
The Last Unicorn, those came with one of the dump truck toys he already had.
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