Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Create Studio

It has been a long time since I've showed you my creative room.  Almost three years actually.  My how things have changed, I've added another kid to the mix and a small business.  You've been with me each step of the way.  Thanks!  So let me show you the room, come on up!
This is my wrapping station at the top of the stairs.  It's where all of my orders go out.  And that blonde in the driftwood mirror?  That's me, just dyed a few shades lighter for the summer!

Turn left and you'll see this.  No vacuum lines this time.  Can we still be friends?  If you'll remember, my dad and I worked together to create this room from a portion of our attic.  In that same spirit of togetherness I wanted to make sure the room would be a fun place for me to be creative with others.  My main work table has two additional chairs for sewing lessons and for coloring with my wee ones.
Although, most of the time they can be found here:
I wish I could pin-point my style in a few words.  I'm watching HGTV's Design Star right now and they are able to so quickly name their style... "mid-century modern," "hollywood glam," "flea market boho" or whatever.  Me?  I have no clue!  I really like things that are whimsical, bright and happy with all of the history that vintage treasures bring.  Any wordsmiths out there want to take a shot at it?  I'd welcome your suggestions!
Speaking of history, I have three grandmother's collections represented in my space.  The handkerchiefs are my husband's grandmother.  The sewing box on the bottom is my grandmothers.  It's filled with all of the little girl treasures that I hoarded from her house when I was younger.
Not everything in my space has a function.  Some things are completely impractical, but just having them around me is an inspiration.  Take those wooden spools wrapped with hot pink vintage thread...I can hardly look at them with out squealing just a little!
The thimbles are from my dad's mother.  Sterling silver.  I'm impressed that something so mundane and everyday was made so beautifully and treasured.  Those women took pride in their roles as mothers and helpmates.  I want to remember that.
I also want to remember where in the world I put my buttons, so this repurposed medicine cabinet helps me keep them organized by color.
Recognize that fabric in the top embroidery hoop?  It's from my kitchen curtains and the shell wreaths were made from white shells my family collected from beaches in Florida and North Carolina.
Here's the hubby's corner.  He's surrounded by his collection of history, religious and political books... his treasures!
My lovebird book houses hang in the reading nook next to my ancient CD player.  Lately we have been listening to the Little House On The Prairie series on CD and the boys have loved it.

So there you have it... again.  I hope you enjoyed seeing the Creative Room (a.k.a "Create Studio) a second time around.  Check out the first post if you missed it.

P.S. I just got word that the rug for our dining room will be in at the end of this month, so you'll have to wait until then for the final kitchen renovation pictures.  I'm so mean.


  1. Wow, very nice room. Very inspirational (and that's very important ;))

  2. That's so fresh and beautiful! And I'm more than a little jealous of your natural light--my space is in the basement which is lit by mostly florescent lights. At least I have my own space, though, right? : )

    Oh, and if you're wondering what your decorating style is, go to They have a fun little quiz. My style is mostly "cottage chic" which is actually quite accurate!

  3. this is an awesome room, sarah!! i love every bit of it. i don't know what my style is either, but i know yours is sheer sweetness :)

  4. Can I just say on a scale of 1 to 10, I'm at a 23 for jealousy! We are in Seminary housing right now so my dining room table is my crafting spot. Complete with rubbermaid bins to store my supplies. Ah well, someday I'll have my Create Studio too. I LOVE the attic redo and that encourages me as in the next few years we will look for a house. Note to self...find an attic with good lighting and turn it into a craft room! I also love how your boys have a play spot. I need that for my two boys. LOVE IT!

  5. This room is perfection! I am in awe. I love every single bit of it. It is awesome how there is room for everybody in one little room. The color of those walls is perfection. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Looks so fabulous, Sarah! I love it the light and the color and pattern. I don't know my style either. I struggle with what to even call my room... is it a craft room, studio, stampin room (although i do more than stamp)...We just call it the office because that is what it was before I sort of moved the office stuff out and took over. ha!

  7. Nossa, muito lindo seu ateliê... adorei tudo o que ví... gostei muito do teu blog, e já estou te seguindo... quando puder, visite meus blogs tb... tenho três, um de culinária, um de artes, e outro de meus momentos...
    Um Abraço e boa semana!

  8. What color are your walls? I LOVE it. :)

  9. Aww, so glad you all enjoy the room! The color of the walls is Veridian Green by Olympic Paints for Lowes.

  10. I LOVE all of this, but my favorites are that you included some vintage-y things that are meaningful to you/your family AND those seashell wreaths/wall hangings. I love that you were able to take vacation memories and turn them into gorgeous home decor. I've been looking for some great ideas for seashell creations and this is just awesome! : )

    -Mel the Crafty Scientist


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I'm always so inspired by reading what you have to say! If you have a question, leave it here or feel free to email me!

-Sarah from Create Studio