Every once in a while I like to burrow away at my nearest Barnes and Noble armed with a Tall Caramel Light Frappuccino in one hand and my journal in the other.
I have a love of magazines, but I'm cheap. Problem. So I figured out a way to get my fix at the store for free! By the way, why are Mollie Makes and Marie Claire Idees so crazy expensive? Anyone want to make a trade for some back issues? I know a girl who has a fun shop, just sayin'!

So back to my cheap plan... I ever so carefully read them, collect my favorite ideas, and put them back on the shelf so someone with pockets a little more padded than mine can enjoy them at home. This time I found out about some great new websites... Mollie Makes and The Making Spot. Not exactly new, but new to me.
Some fun ideas...
And some books I'd like to forget I ever saw...
Oh my goodness there are just so many things wrong with that.... gag!
I've often done this while standing in line at the grocery store, but haven't thought to take advantage of b&n lounging area to grab ideas this way - I'm usually in a hurry!
I can't believe there's a book on collecting cat hair! Better, still, I can't believe it sells!!
My husband and I do date nights at Barnes and noble doing that very thing! (although he peruses the computer and gaming mags:))
We also craft with cat hair for date nights too! Ok, not really ;)
Are you part of NetGalley (netgalley.com). IF you don't know about it, its a website where you can review books advanced copies of books. Well, one of the books available is that Martha Stewart's Holiday Crafts book. I got to review it before it came out. Loved it!
ummmmmm, so ya. i did that exact thing last wednesday. but i wasn't prepared and didn't have a notebook for collecting ideas.
also? i saw that disgusting cat book and took a pic of it in b and n a while back. just think? if you went the cat hair route, you'd totally have a different product than other stuff out there :)
marie claire idees is so expensive because it's imported from france! [which you probably already knew since it's, ya know, IN french.) i had a subscription for awhile through amazon, but it was quite expensive & i only got a few issues per "year" since they took so long to mail from france. BUT i have about 2 dozen back issues if you want to borrow them! :)
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