Sunday, December 28, 2008

I have written each of these tutorials. Please feel free to try any of them and have loads of fun doing it! I just ask that you not sell any of my original designs. Here are a few of my favorites:

****UPDATE: Please visit my updated website to view these posts and find lots more inspiration!****

You can view a full listing of all of my tutorials here.


  1. I would LOVE to see your sock dog tutorial but can't find it on your website. Are you going to put that up? Thanks for such cute ideas! :o) britney (at) angleseyfamily (dot) com

  2. Britney,
    Thanks for wanting to do the sock dog. I'm still putting the finishing touches on the tutorial and when it's up you'll see the link in blue above. Thanks!

  3. I so want to see a tutorial for the little fishes in the picture on your blog!! Have I missed that one?

  4. Andrea,
    Thanks for your comment. I didn't write a tutorial for the little fisherman's toy, but you can see more pictures here:
    the fish are just two fish shapes sewn together and stuffed like a pillow, with a washer for the nose and a button for the eye. Let me know if you run into any questions!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I'm always so inspired by reading what you have to say! If you have a question, leave it here or feel free to email me!

-Sarah from Create Studio